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Water level now at an acceptable level

Hudson-Oka Ferry doing prep work before resuming service

durée 12h00
18 mai 2023






Par John Jantak, Journaliste

The operators of the Hudson-Oka Ferry recently provided an update on social media regarding the official opening of the service. 

Now that the water level in the Lake of Two Mountains has receded to an acceptable level, the service could begin operating again by May 26, but the offical startup date still has to be confirmed.

In the meantime, the ferry operators is conducting the following procedures to ensure its safety before passengers and vehicles are allowed onboard:

  • Fulfill Transport Canada's five-year inspection of the dry-docked ferry's hull which is being done this week; 
  • Ferry launch; 
  • Start-up of machinery and equipment followed by a pre-inspection; 
  • Hold a training day and review emergency procedures with the crew; 
  • Conduct an annual inspection by Transport Canada. 
  • Start of operations. 

Ferry users can follow the pre-operation process on the ferry's official Facebook page: TraverseOkaHudson.



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