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A minor suspect was apprehended last night following the blaze

Arson ravages Rigaud single-family home

durée 09h00
28 août 2023






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Voir la galerie de photos

Shortly before 12:30 a.m. last night, Rigaud firefighters were called to a single-family dwelling on rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste Est, opposite rue Roussin, which was engulfed in flames. The Sûreté du Québec confirms that the blaze is of criminal origin, and that a suspect has been apprehended.

"The residence is a total loss and the fire caused significant injuries to the occupants, a woman and a man. However, there is no fear for their lives. An investigator has been assigned to the case and a fire scene technician is expected on site within the next few hours. A suspect, a minor, was arrested near the scene of the fire last night. He is being met by officers," says Sûreté du Québec spokesperson Louis-Philippe Ruel.

A few hours after the blaze broke out, the scene was one of desolation.

According to our information, within minutes of the 9-1-1 call, flames were shooting out of second-floor windows. Although Rigaud firefighters were initially informed that one person was still inside, fortunately this was not the case.

Rigaud firefighters called in their colleagues from Hudson, Pincourt and Saint-Lazare to extinguish the blaze. The Sainte-Marthe fire department provided fire station coverage for the territory.The Unité Communauatire de Mesures d'urgence was also called in.



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