Flooding: the civil protection organization mobilizes
On Monday, May 1, all members of the Multimunicipal Civil Protection Organization (OMSC ) carried out a 2nd cycle of coordination in collaboration with their external partners, due to the change in the scale of Ottawa River levels and flows at the Carillon power station, from medium to major.
As a result, the team switches from alert mode to mobilization mode.
By Wednesday, May 3, 2023, we can expect to reach or slightly exceed the 20-year recurrence level, i.e. a flow of 7,250 m3/sec at the Carillon power station, and a level of 23.38 m at the Rigaud river station.
Individuals must therefore maintain their protective measures in place, and increase them where they are inadequate.
In contrast to the floods of 2017 and 2019, the river could begin to recede around Saturday, as no significant precipitation is forecast for the next 10 days and no significant snow remains in the watershed.
However, on Wednesday and Thursday, gusts of 30 to 40 km/h are possible; they will be blowing towards Rigaud rather than Argenteuil and Lachute.
OMSC is asking people who do not live in flooded areas to refrain from driving.
Bulk sand sites and empty bags
For those who have been, or are about to be, affected, sand is still available at the six Rigaud depots and at the Pointe-Fortune site:
1. 31, rue Céline Nord
2. Rue Bernard Sud, Rigaud (near address 447)
3. 181, chemin Bas-de-la-Rivière
4. 78 Bas-de-la-Rivière Road (Wastewater treatment plant)
5. Chemin de l'Anse and chemin de la Pointe-à-la-Raquette (at corner)
6. 275 Montée Interprovinciale (Pointe-Fortune Pavilion)
Bags are also available at the fire station located at 7, Jules-A.Desjardins for vulnerable persons (seniors, those requiring support from a service center or those with no support), up to 100 bags (empty) per property upon proof of residence, while supplies last.
People should contact the emergency line before picking them up.
Personal safety and deadlines
People staying on site are invited to check the batteries and working order of their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
In flood-prone areas, unusual delays in obtaining emergency services (ambulance, fire department, first responders) are to be expected due to restricted access to certain roads that are already or will become submerged.
24 /7 civil protection hotline
The Sécurité Civile emergency line remains in service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the duration of the flood.
People can dial it to :
Request lodging as vulnerable persons; the Centre d'hébergement d'urgence (CHU) is ready to receive them at Collège Bourget. The CHU can quickly increase its capacity if required.
Notify them that they are voluntarily evacuating or returning to their homes; an e-mail can also be sent torigaud
911 must be dialed for a life-threatening emergency.
Fire department patrols
The department continues to patrol the area. Disaster victims can contact the fire department if they have any concerns.
Sûreté du Québec surveillance
The SQ is continuing to step up its presence in the affected areas.
For this sector, despite forecasts of a 20-year flood being exceeded, it is not considered that this will affect built heritage. Those affected are invited to take steps to protect their land, given the realities of erosion during flood periods.
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