Fiducie de conservation du patrimoine naturel de Rigaud
Protection of Mont Rigaud: 21.8 hectares added to those already protected
The Fiducie de conservation du patrimoine naturel de Rigaud and Nature-Action Québec (NAQ) announce the protection of an additional 21.8 hectares (ha) of natural environments on Mont Rigaud, on top of the 84.39 hectares already protected by the Fiducie. To date, 106.19 hectares have been protected on Mont Rigaud by the Fiducie de conservation and 220.05 hectares by NAQ.
Since its creation in 2016, the Rigaud Natural Heritage Trust has been working closely with Nature-Action Québec to plan the protection of natural environments on Mont Rigaud. Nature-Action Québec is currently working on a conservation and sustainable tourism development master plan for Mont Rigaud and a management plan for the trust. Results are expected in 2023.
Since 2007, NAQ has been acquiring land in order to protect natural environments (fauna, flora, waterways, etc.) in perpetuity through an appropriate use regime. Nature-Action Québec works in partnership with municipalities, private landowners, local organizations and other stakeholders to protect natural environments in southern Quebec, such as those on Mont Rigaud. The Fiducie is therefore proud to be able to contribute to the protection of these exceptional environments.
Financial partnerships
These acquisition projects are made possible thanks to a number of sponsors and funding agreements. We would like to acknowledge the commitment of these invaluable players in ensuring the conservation and protection of natural environments on private land in Quebec.
In order to acquire these 21.8 hectares, the Fiducie benefited from 2 funding programs. First, it signed a financial partnership agreement with NAQ, which receives funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Secondly, the Fiducie was able to benefit from a financial contribution from the Fondation de la faune du Québec, via the program: Protection d'un habitat faunique, to help fund the management of a protected lot.
A new General Manager for the Fiducie
The Board of Trustees would like to take this opportunity to welcome its very first General Manager, Annie Bourgon.
A business development professional and operations management consultant, Ms. Bourgon is an entrepreneurial leader focused on results, development and customer satisfaction. She is passionate about nature and the conservation of exceptional environments.
As the owner of 30 acres on Mont Rigaud, she will be actively involved in the development of a master plan for the conservation and sustainable development of tourism on Mont Rigaud, the implementation of a management plan for the Trust, the Trust's administrative affairs, as well as the implementation of a vision action plan for the next 10 years.
Read also
Eleven more hectares now protected on Mont Rigaud
Addition of 18 protected hectares on Mont Rigaud
Nature-Action Québec acquires 63 hectares of Rigaud Mountain
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